Thousands of motor vehicle and car accidents take place each year across the Greater Toronto Area, most of which leads to trauma of some kind. The injury that feels like a minor trauma right after an injury may later evolve into a serious one that needs immediate medical attention and treatment. Physiotherapy is one of the best and most effective treatment options available to address inflammation and swelling, the most common symptoms you may experience following a motor vehicle accident. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, more and more people are consulting physiotherapists for pain relief and quick recovery following an accident.
Whenever you are a victim of a motor vehicle accident, the very first thing you should do is to visit a physician or physiotherapist to help you analyze what kind of injuries you might be suffering from. Some injuries can be identified immediately with the naked eye or help of imaging techniques, while others may not show any symptoms at the start such as whiplash injuries and internal bleeding. That is why you should not underrate most common symptoms such as migraines or regular headaches which shows that you have been harmed from the accident and require rehabilitation. Some other symptoms you should look for a motor vehicle injuries include dizziness, prolonged fatigue, reduced motion in the neck, a tingling in the upper extremities, and pain that radiates to the shoulders, neck or head. Long-term damage like chronic pain or immobility may develop if you leave these symptoms untreated.
If any of these signs and symptoms last more than a week or two, you should visit a physiotherapist. The motor vehicle injury rehabilitation process is extensive and helps to cure injuries and relieve pain that you are experiencing in the back, neck, and other areas of your body. The physiotherapy sessions may include therapeutic exercises, manual manipulation, traction, stretching, therapy that focuses on soft tissue and education on prevention from further injuries.
Physical therapy provides you with a range of benefits that may help you avoid other treatments like surgery. It simulates a quick recovery process and supports your body to get back to normal as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have a major injury, your body may become rigid and stiff after a motor vehicle accident and you may experience pains within your body that can disrupt your day to day activities. Physical therapy enhances your recovery process as it relieves your pain and helps you increase strength and regain flexibility. It can also prevent long-term damages to your musculoskeletal system that may occur due to untreated minor injuries and are not treated right away.
A massive injury after a roadside accident can lead to the need for surgery, however, regular physiotherapy sessions coupled with other non-invasive techniques like chiropractic care will help you avoid surgical intervention. If you have been recently involved in a motor vehicle accident, consult certified orthopedics first for a complete initial assessment. After that, make sure to visit our physiotherapist Lincy George to help relieve pain and body aches, subside associated symptoms and boost your recovery process.